Owning your own app is not just for big companies anymore. Diligent Media Group makes it very affordable for any size business, with a ton of amazing functions and features available to you.
Membership rich customer data
Bookings & Events manage appointments
Take payments or deposits. Spend more time with your clients and less time on the phone.
Got a concert or wants to stream live? Integrate music, video, photos, and much more into a mobile app for you.
Mobile Ordering fast food, takeaways, products
No commission fees on your own ordering platform. Multiple payment options such as Credit Cards, PayPal, Cash On Delivery, or link to your current online store!
Analytics see the results
How many downloads, sales, users, and customer lists.
Loyalty Programs
Generate repeat business through your mobile app with our loyalty programs, QR codes, and electronic stamping cards.
It’s never been easier. Mix and match app features to make your app your own!